UTHealth Houston Hires Veterans

Chat with a UTHealth Houston Recruiter If you are a veteran looking for a career at UTHealth Houston, schedule a time to speak with our talent acquisition team about our opportunities. Learn more using the link below
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​​​​​​​UTHealth Houston is committed to recruiting and retaining those who served and who are continuing to serve in the United States military. We are committed to helping veterans transfer their unique skills and abilities in the armed forces to career opportunities at UTHealth Houston.

What our veterans are saying

"As a veteran, I am proud to be part of an organization that understands the value of veterans. UTHealth Houston is committed to empowering and supporting veterans through workplace engagement, veteran outreach programs, and opportunities for training, advancement and development."
Stanford Moore HR Automation Data Engineer
"As a veteran, I feel appreciated at UTHealth Houston because of the honor and respect shown to myself and other veterans throughout the campus. There are multiple organizations within UTHealth Houston that actively promote a great working environment for veterans by making our voices heard."
Nathan Jeter Multimedia Specialist